Monday, May 31, 2021

Summer vacation essay for kids

Summer vacation essay for kids

summer vacation essay for kids

For kids, writing an essay on how I spent my summer vacation gives them a wonderful opportunity to reminiscence and express what they enjoyed about their vacation. In this article, we bring you – How I spent my summer vacation essay that mentions the essence of summer vacation in a student’s life and the experiences that they share after enjoying a wonderful vacation away from the hectic blogger.comted Reading Time: 2 mins  · Essay on How I Spent My Last Summer Vacation – Essay 5 ( words) Introduction. Summer is the most awaited time in any student’s academic year. Despite the scorching sun and blazing heat, these months for me have always brought a peculiar type of calmness to my soul that oozes freedom from monotony and blogger.comted Reading Time: 10 mins  · Summer Vacation Essay 1 ( words) Summer vacation is the holiday period during summer season. All the schools and colleges become closed during this period because of the high environmental temperature in summer months (especially half May and full June). It becomes the hottest period of the year during summer vacation. Kids feel very happy and relax all through the blogger.comted Reading Time: 9 mins

Summer Vacation Essay for Students in English

Summer holidays are considered to be the best time for students to explore themselves and their surroundings more as they have no study pressure and mental stress, summer vacation essay for kids. This also gives them the much required respite from the scorching heat. Different students have their own different ways of spending their summer holidays. While some visit their grandparents others join summer camps yet others like to stay at home and catch up on their studies.

Here are essays of varying lengths on How I Spent My Summer Vacation to help you with the topic in your exam. It is written in very easy and understandable language. It may be a better reference point for you and you can also add your own experience for making your essay best. The essays have been written in simple yet effective English so that you can easily memorize them and present them when needed, summer vacation essay for kids.

The essays will be quite useful for your school and college assignments when you need to speak on something or give speech on the subject. Summer time is a treat for all the students struggling the whole year with exams and assignments. Summer vacation essay for kids is the time when they can spend their days doing whatever they want without any restrictions and pressure of parents or teachers, summer vacation essay for kids.

Most of the students along with their parents or friends prefer to go to some hill station or to their village or for other outings to relax. But holidays can also be fun when they are spent staying at home.

This summer I decided to stay at my home during summer vacation instead of going anywhere for trip. To spend my time fruitfully, I joined classes where I learned canvas painting and along with it, I also started learning table tennis.

During the afternoons, I helped my mom in kitchen and also assisted my dad with some accounts related tasks. This was the best time where I felt more close to and involved with my family, summer vacation essay for kids. Then, for the remaining time I went out with friends. I also spent some time watching movies and web series.

Besides entertainment, these shows and movies also taught me some life lessons. I realized how fruitful and satisfying can it be to spend holidays at home. It is the time to relax and explore the world around us. This time I decided to spend my summer break with my grandparents. They live in a small village near Kutch district, Gujarat.

We were not sure about this trip because we had never visited any village before and knew nothing about their lifestyle. But as days passed we got adjusted to their way of living and totally enjoyed it. Our stay was full of fun.

My grandmother told us funny incidences about my dad as a little mischievous and a notorious kid. She told us how he used to play pranks on his school teachers and their neighbours. She also told us how I and my sister behaved when we were young. She told us we were as notorious as our dad. One day my grandfather took us to the Great Ran of Kutch which is located in the Thar Desert and is one of the largest salt deserts in the world. We took a camel ride and stayed there till the sunset.

After spending some quality time there we then went to the main market. My grandma told us about the unique handicrafts of Kutch and how a lot of women make their living by selling different types of embroidered cloths, summer vacation essay for kids. We bought an embroidered kurta for dad and a sari for mom. After this we headed back home and helped grandma with dinner. The next day we went with our grandpa to a farm and he taught us about various farming techniques which was really fun.

We indulged in different activities each day. This was one of the best summer vacation essay for kids where we had loads of fun and also learnt about the culture and heritage of Kutch.

I am looking forward to more trips like these. For those of us living in metropolitan cities summer holidays mean watching movies and television series or hanging out with friends or just summer vacation essay for kids internet, summer vacation essay for kids.

This consumes all of our time. It seemed like a different world to me. Eating together, understanding situations and opinions of other summer vacation essay for kids and working together are some of the few small things that add up to make a beautiful village life. Waking up early in the mornings is a practice that most villagers summer vacation essay for kids. It keeps them healthy and summer vacation essay for kids their day more productive.

So, all the people of the house are required to be awake by 6 in morning which seemed like a curse to us initially. My uncle owns a utensils shop in the village and he opens it at 7 in the morning each day.

He left for work before 7 am each day. Most of the people were seen heading for their work around the same time. I spent my mornings in the kitchen with all the ladies of the house summer vacation essay for kids preparations for breakfast and lunch. I also helped them clean up the house after the kitchen tasks. Rest of the afternoon was spent in slumber after having a heavy diet and loads of gossips. The evening time in the village was the time for which I waited with a lot of excitement.

One evening we went to the village well where women went to fetch drinking water. It was great to see them balance the pots full of water and walking back in a row. But the main treat was to see the confidence and happiness on their faces. The village also encompassed a big playground that used to be full of kids during the evening hours.

Our aunt and uncle also took us to the farm to show us the beautiful process of growing and nurturing of fruits and vegetables. Summer vacation essay for kids at the farmers, putting so much effort on their harvest and their faces during the harvesting time was a great sight. I also went to one of the panchayat going on in the village under a banyan tree where issues of the village were being solved by the elders of the village with the consent of all other people of village.

This is where I witnessed a small example of democracy. The simplicity of the life in village is where its beauty lies. My visit to village always teaches me compassion and to have love towards our family. Summer season is mainly known for its heat waves and holidays that we students get because of that. Our family decided to go for a summer trip and that too to a hill station this year.

There are many beautiful places in India known for their scenic beauty such as Mussoorie, Ooty, summer vacation essay for kids, Wilson Hills, Kufri, summer vacation essay for kids, Nainital, Manali, Kerala and Rishikesh to name a few. After a long discussion about which hill station to go for, we finally settled for Shimla.

We all went there via road in our car and reached there in the morning. Then, we directly went to the hotel that we had already booked. Shimla has got everything to lure the tourists from lavish hotels to picturesque locations and from mall road to shopping streets full of people coming from different cultures. We had planned the trip for 5 days.

So in the evening of our first day of trip we went to the mall road and Jhaku hills which are known as the main tourist spots in the city. In the evening, there are many different activities going on there, summer vacation essay for kids. It was amazing to witness the night life of Shimla. We visited the Footloose Discotheque which was full of vibrant people and buzzed with great music. Our next day included travelling through the toy train. This toy train here runs from Kalka to Shimla.

There are only 3 such trains in our country and one of them is here. The evening time was spent doing some snow adventures such as skiing and bungee jumping. The next days were spent visiting places near Shimla such as Chail, Kufri and Chitkul.

These places can be visited for some snow adventure besides enjoying their beautiful scenic beauty. Shimla is also a good treat for foodies like me. We had salami burgers at Beekays, which were delicious, summer vacation essay for kids. During all these days filled with loads of activities to do, we used to get really tired in the evening, but the night life of there or just staring at the starry sky used to give us immense sense of joy and fill us with new energy.

We came back to Delhi after spending five fun-filled days in Shimla. The memory of this trip is fresh in my head. Shimla is indeed the queen of hill stations. I would love to visit the place again.

Despite the scorching sun and blazing heat, these months for me have always brought a peculiar type of calmness to my soul that oozes freedom from monotony and dullness. As it is time for vacation, it is the time to explore, wander, plan and much more.

Summer vacations are always fun but my summer holidays were especially memorable. The year was my last academic session in school. So, before going to the college a complete family gateway to exotic lands was the gift I got from my family.

I could not have asked for more. Our travel plan was a perfect mixture of fairy Disneyworld and glamorous Hong Kong and then to the multi ethnic country island of Malaysia. On the very next day when my summer vacations began, I found myself on the terminal 2 of Chhatrapati Shivaji airport, Mumbai, looking for my flight boarding pass and posting stories about it on my social media accounts.

My parents, siblings and cousins surrounded me.

Summer Breaks in Lockdown in English - Essay on Summer Vacations

, time: 4:40

Essay on Summer Vacation for Children and Students

summer vacation essay for kids

 · Essay on Summer Vacation Summer holidays have an important place in every person's life. especially in children's lives. Summer is the hottest season of the year, children enjoy it very much. It is a very interesting and entertaining season for them as they get a Estimated Reading Time: 3 mins  · Essay on How I Spent My Last Summer Vacation – Essay 5 ( words) Introduction. Summer is the most awaited time in any student’s academic year. Despite the scorching sun and blazing heat, these months for me have always brought a peculiar type of calmness to my soul that oozes freedom from monotony and blogger.comted Reading Time: 10 mins  · Summer Vacation Essay 1 ( words) Summer vacation is the holiday period during summer season. All the schools and colleges become closed during this period because of the high environmental temperature in summer months (especially half May and full June). It becomes the hottest period of the year during summer vacation. Kids feel very happy and relax all through the blogger.comted Reading Time: 9 mins

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