Monday, May 31, 2021

Self awareness essay

Self awareness essay

self awareness essay

Self-awareness is crucial as how you handle yourself when dealing with children will slightly differ to how you represent yourself when dealing with their parents or colleagues. Interpersonal Skills play a big factor within an ECCE setting as it is a key role of all childcare practitioners Self awareness Essays. 2 essay samples found. Example of Self Awareness Actions. Do others know us better than we know ourselves? According to Edith Stein in her work, “On the Problem of Empathy”, the answer is an absolute yes. Stein argues that we have unconscious behaviors that are observable purely through another’s observation. In contradiction, Franz Brentano argues in  · writers online. Self-awareness is the ability to separate ourselves from the people we associate with, along with the world that we live in, so that as individuals, our decisions, and preferences are understood by ourselves. Self-awareness comes from our ability to recognize our self-analysis, having the ability to observe the way we interact, and behave, along with being able to understand our

Self Awareness Essays: Examples, Topics, Titles, & Outlines

My name is Douglas Wasserman. I am a 44 year old Caucasian Male that was born in Brooklyn New York on January 7, I come from a Jewish family background. My immediate family has never been religious.

We do not eat kosher foods and rarely go to Temple to pray, self awareness essay. That does not mean we self awareness essay not a spiritual family. I was taught to believe in God as a loving entity that has a purpose for me in my life. I now recognize that my purpose is to teach Health and Physical Education to children that require special needs. In order to continue with this career I need to identify myself as an ethical and moralistic individual so I can be an influence to the students.

This paper that I am writing will help me point out specific characteristics and behaviors that would be beneficial as well as harmful to my career as a Health counselor. Self awareness is an essential tool to improve personal function. It was really easy to contact her and respond very fast as well. It involves recognition of personality as well as what our strengths and weaknesses are. Coping with our insecurities and weakness will improve stress management and relieve tension from overwhelming situations.

It is very important to understand what makes self awareness essay vulnerable so we can find strength to move on positively. There are different areas that I need to be aware of such as emotional intelligence and personal values.

Knowing this allows me to evaluate myself and predict how I will react to specific situations. In my life I have had difficult experiences and was able to grow stronger by dealing with them in a positive way. Emotional intelligence is the ability to manage oneself and to build healthy relationships with others. This is necessary for me to be able self awareness essay take care of myself.

Upon taking an online test, I learned that I am a person who knows how to control my emotions so I do not get angry when someone threatens me or says something degrading. Allowing other people to make me react in an angry manner will jeapordize my ability to help others as well as myself, self awareness essay. In a healthy relationship, a person can be critical with positive intentions to help me change something about myself that can make me grow stronger.

That is where emotional intelligence fits in to my life. Without this important characteristic, I could not perform consequential thinking to influence my actions to make healthy decisions.

As a child growing up in Brooklyn I was one of the youngest and smallest in primary school. This was an issue that affected me because I felt as though I needed to fit in with the rest of the guys. I was insecure, self awareness essay. I got involved in activities such as gymnastics, BMX jumping and Break Dancing to challenge myself.

Most of the stunts and acrobatics that I performed were dangerous. I know now that I am a risk taker which could hinder me in my career as a counselor because I need to understand issues about children with special needs. These students might have similar insecurities that I had. I do not want them to do dangerous things to impress their peers as I did because they may not be capable.

This could cause them to hurt themselves or others. Today I am aware of my risk taking behavior which I still have. I realize that I take chances with my life when Self awareness essay surf big, heavy waves during winter storms.

I am getting older and need to use emotional intelligence when I attempt dangerous scenarios. Adrenaline can be a healthy energy to tap into. I will identify the risk and make a rational decision when hurricane swells come through Rockaway Beach this fall, self awareness essay. If waves are more than 15 feet I will sit it out until the swell fades. I actually self awareness essay fear in Nicaragua this summer when waves became overwhelmingly big.

I was able to perform consequential thinking and pass. Safety is the most important thing to me now that I am Teaching and have more responsibility as a Teacher, self awareness essay.

I want to be able to help students make safe decisions which will make them stronger, self awareness essay, healthier and happier in their lives and I need to practice what I preach. I was able to recognize through an online emotional intelligence test that I have patience and understanding in stressful situations.

Dealing with anger is a very important characteristic because if a person reacts frustrated or violently when someone self awareness essay them angry then there is no control of emotion.

This will lead to destructive behavior which is not safe for them or other people around them. I learned to talk about my anger issues with a friend or trusted person.

That will alleviate frustration and stress. The quiz asks questions based on my ways of dealing with others and how I show emotions. Clearly I am comfortable showing compassion and sensitivity to others as well as showing true emotion. Another test that I performed online was a stress test which is compatible with my discussion about emotional intelligence. I was asked a series of questions about events that may have happened to me within the past few months such as death in the family, loss of a job, change in my health and other stressful scenarios, self awareness essay.

I have not experienced any of these situations currently but have gone through one experience that I can discuss that was very stressful. My Father had Cancer and was sick and suffering for a few months before he passed away. This was a stressful time in my life. I learned that I needed to let out my true emotions which were sadness, self awareness essay. I cried when I watched the doctor place a tube down his throat to keep him breathing in order for him to stay alive.

My cousin, and Brother were there to lean on during my sad reaction. I felt better to have let out these feelings of sadness. Eventually he passed away and I continued to show my emotions as well as talk about the feelings to my friends and family. Because of the way I chose to deal with those feelings, I overcame the grief and grew stronger. I realized that my Dad was better off dead. He had a great life and taught me how to be responsible and self awareness essay. I was able to grow as an adult and make better progress in school and work because I felt as though he would be most happy that I became a better person.

Self awareness essay would definitely be able to help others to identify their feelings in order to grow from them by choosing to talk instead of react stressfully.

Stress can lead to serious health problems such as sickness and mental depression. Emotional Intelligence is a necessary characteristic and strategy to utilize when we go through horrible experiences in life such as the one that I just discussed.

Besides talking about sad, stressful experiences, I became stronger by exercising. This is a healthy and positive self awareness essay to let out aggression. I always feel better mentally and spiritually after the gym or surfing.

I would like to discuss a questionnaire that I filled out online. This particular form asked questions pertaining to how well I would know myself. I analyzed the results of my answers and came to the conclusion that I am calm and tranquil when it comes to dealing with unfairness or sarcasm from others.

I know that my personality is such that I keep pleasant at all times because I am confident with myself. I believe others have their own insecurities that lead them to lash out or degrade people. As a teenager, I was teased for being Jewish not only by non Jewish people, self awareness essay, but by Orthodox Jews as well.

This made me feel inadequate. I chose to deal with this by working out in the gym as well as learning Martial Arts. I never used violence to harm people that prejudged me. I chose to compete in tournaments so others would know that I am taking good care of myself physically. I mentioned that I am a risk taker. Well, self awareness essay, I always felt as though I had to prove myself and show off unique skills.

This helped me to pay no mind to the bullying and teasing I went through, self awareness essay. I believe this is a positive move that Self awareness essay made about dealing with insecurities because the training made me very disciplined. I am aware of self awareness essay so I will not let words harm me anymore.

I became more honest about my feelings and am not ashamed of being wrong. I can use others criticism to take an outside look at myself in order to change faulty characteristics. One of my biggest problems is that I tend to become passive in forming new relationships, self awareness essay. I am comfortable being alone.

I would like to socialize and self awareness essay more with people so I can form new friendships. I do have a group of friends that I surf with on weekends and leisure time, but I feel that making new friends could benefit me by self awareness essay my contacts as well as social life. I would like to know more about what others like to do for fun and excitement.

I feel that in New York City it is the norm for people to be so busy and socialize with a group of people that they are comfortable with, self awareness essay. I want to go outside my comfort zone and form new social groups, self awareness essay.

The most frequent negative feelings in my life have to do with associating with people that have a lot of money. This is an uncomfortable scenario for me. I want to overcome the insecurity of not being in the same financial category as others so I can interact with them. I have been a Paraprofessional for 6 years and never made attempts to socialize with people in the upper class.

Roy Baumeister - What is Self-Awareness?

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Self Awareness Essay Examples - Free Research Papers on

self awareness essay

Self-Awareness Business Essay Discuss the importance of self- awareness in effectively managing your career and reflect on your progress on this course. Self awareness means understanding oneself, being aware of your own capabilities and limitations and Self-Awareness Importance in Effective Leadership Essay Exclusively available on IvyPanda Available only on IvyPanda. Updated: May 28th, Self Awareness Essay Example. It is said, “Knowing others is wisdom, knowing yourself is enlightenment” (Tao Zhu). To be in denial of our issues might hinder the process of therapy as we will not be able to know what might trigger our emotions and when it does how do we manage it. Without self-awareness, counter-transference during counseling/therapy session may be damaging if not

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