· hockey is the official national sport in India, and the country has won eight Olympic gold medals in field hockey, though cricket is the most popular sport. After the Asian Games hosted in New Delhi, the capital city now has modern sports facilities, and similar facilities are also being developed in other parts of the country This is a physically exhausting sport and is very much challenging. Manali Valley in Uttar Pradesh is an excellent place for rock climbing. Trekking: This includes walking through the mountains and exploring some of the hidden cultures and living styles of India. Just walk through mountains and streams. Some of the other adventure sports in India are paragliding, skating, skiing and blogger.comted Reading Time: 6 mins · The first essay is a long essay on the Sports In India of words. This long essay about Sports In India is suitable for students of class 7, 8, 9 and 10, and also for competitive exam aspirants. The second essay is a short essay on Sports In India of words. These are suitable for students and children in class 6 and blogger.comted Reading Time: 6 mins
Sports in India Essay for Students & Children Words in English
We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. A limited time offer! Get a custom sample essay written according to your requirements urgent 3h delivery guaranteed. No other sports in india essay can compare to the popularity of cricket in India. But why is this so?
The answers lie in facts, in our history. About years ago, India was as active as the ancient Greeks, in terms of both physical and mental sports — chariot racing, polo, archery and wrestling to chess and cards. Much later, just a few centuries ago, the British brought hockey and cricket to India, sports in india essay.
Indians discovered new sports and their inherent talent at them. Cricket took over as the most popular sport after we gained independence, mainly due to the low requirements. All one needs is a bat and a ball—unlike hockey, where everyone needs to have a hockey stick. Though we won 8 Olympic gold medals sports in india essay our national sport — hockey — the first in ! The first hockey gold as an independent country was in the Olympics in London, England, where India beat England in the finals.
The Indian team went on to win more Olympic hockey gold medals in the, and Olympics. After that, the medals dried up — India only managed solitary bronze medals in tennis, weightlifting and shooting in the last sports in india essay Olympics! In contrast, the popularity of cricket grew — especially after the Prudential World Cup win by Kapil Dev and team. India needed sports heroes, and cricket seemed the only answer, sports in india essay.
Many claim that it is our diet that is to blame. The fact is medical opinions always seem to sports in india essay. Some medical experts blame the physical deficiency on the fact that the majority of Indians are vegetarians, sports in india essay. But, horses are vegetarians too, and most athletes would kill to get the stamina and strength of a horse! It is a known fact that India lacks sporting infrastructure.
The only stadiums we have are used for cricket, while the majority of hockey, sports in india essay, football and athletic sporting events are held on sub-standard fields — mainly open air mud patches. But then why do countries that are much smaller, sports in india essay, with a lot less infrastructure than us win more Olympic medals? Another cause for concern is the competitiveness of sport today.
Most sports professionals across the globe spend 8 hours a day training. Their job is to excel at sports and keep themselves fit. The governments provide them the necessary money and training, and advertisers throw in even more for their fancy cars and houses. Last, but by no means least of the problems is our society and its mentality.
At the end of the journey, you still have to go back to your job and try and provide for your family, and your Olympic medal becomes nothing more than a fond memory, an impressive addition to your resume and another ornament for your display cabinet.
Easier said than done, but necessary nonetheless:. Compulsory college and school scholarships based on sporting achievements.
The money needed to improve sports can only come from sports in india essay. Advertisers look for the popularity of a sport. The quality of athletes is bad due to lack of training.
There is no training because there is no money for professional trainers. There is no money because there are no advertisers. Only if we change our own perceptions can things begin to change. Once advertisers see the support, the funds will start trickling in. Once the funds come in, the quality will improve. A chain reaction!
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We'll occasionally send you account related and promo emails. With a hour delay you will have to wait for 24 hours due to heavy workload and high demand - for free. Choose an optimal rate and be sure to get the unlimited number of samples immediately without having to wait in the waiting list.
Using our plagiarism checker for free you will receive the requested result within 3 hours directly to your email. Jump the queue with a membership plan, get unlimited samples and plagiarism results — immediately! Sports in India Essay Sample. The whole doc is available only for registered users OPEN DOC. Pages: Word count: Category: India Sports Download Essay. Get a custom sample essay written according to your requirements urgent 3h delivery guaranteed Order Now.
History About years ago, India was as active as the ancient Greeks, sports in india essay, in terms of both physical and mental sports — chariot racing, polo, archery and wrestling to chess and cards. What is the problem? What can be done to fix these problems? Easier said than done, but necessary nonetheless: 1. Encourage all sports, not just cricket 2. More government funding for sportsmen sports in india essay women 3.
More advertising coverage for sports other than cricket 4. More International coaches and trainers 5. Participate in more international tournaments in all sports 6.
More training camps for pre-teens that show promise in any sport 7. Compulsory college and school scholarships based on sporting achievements The money needed to improve sports can only come from advertising. A vicious circle! A vicious circle, or a chain reaction, the choice is ours! Muhammad Ali. Paying College Athletes. Physical Fitness. North Korea.
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· hockey is the official national sport in India, and the country has won eight Olympic gold medals in field hockey, though cricket is the most popular sport. After the Asian Games hosted in New Delhi, the capital city now has modern sports facilities, and similar facilities are also being developed in other parts of the country Importance Of Sports In India Influence Of Religion In India. INTRODUCTION: Religion in India is characterised by a diversity of religious beliefs Cricket's History. Today cricket is the most popular sport in India, but its history tends to be over looked. By taking Causes Of Colonisation Of · The first essay is a long essay on the Sports In India of words. This long essay about Sports In India is suitable for students of class 7, 8, 9 and 10, and also for competitive exam aspirants. The second essay is a short essay on Sports In India of words. These are suitable for students and children in class 6 and blogger.comted Reading Time: 6 mins
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